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                Contact person: 86-17715867888 (Mr. Qian) Phone: 86-514-83626118 Email: 348632489@qq.com Address: Industrial Concentration Zone, Xinji Town, Yizheng City

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                ABOUT US


                Jiangsu Nuodi New Material Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2011 with a planned registered capital of 100 million yuan and an area of ??about 30 acres. It is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and development, production and sales of functional coating materials. The company's headquarters is located in the core area of ??the Yangtze River Delta Optoelectronics Industry Economic Zone-Yizheng, Jiangsu, and has a branch in the Pearl River Delta and an office in Dongguan, Guangdong.  
                ¡¡¡¡ The company has stable customer resources, plans to build a thousand-level dust-free workshop, introduces 8 imported high-end precision production lines, and has built 4 now. The company is committed to implementing a modern corporate management model, focusing on the R&D and production of optical films and high-functional film products such as release films, hardened films, and silicone protective films, with an estimated annual output value of more than 300 million. Over the years, we have been committed to the research and development of new products, constantly innovating, diversifying products, rationalizing prices, and stabilizing quality to meet the needs of our customers in various application fields. We can also provide customized services according to customer needs.  
                ¡¡¡¡The company adheres to the enterprise spirit of “pragmatic, innovative, refined, and safe”, and strives to build a well-known brand in the industry with a complete quality system. Adhering to the business philosophy of technology as the core, quality as life, and customer as God, we are dedicated to providing you with the most cost-effective products and meticulous after-sales service.  
                ¡¡¡¡ Relying on innovation for development is our constant pursuit!
