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                <b>Extra! Another technology project settled in Xinji Town Intelligent Industrial Park</b>

                Extra! Another technology project settled in Xinji Town Intelligent Industrial Park 21-04-16

                On the morning of June 18, the Yizheng Optoelectronics Technology Film Project was successfully signed in Xinji. The main person in charge of the party and government of the town and representatives of the project party attended the signing...

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                Analysis of possible problems and causes of using PET release film

                Analysis of possible problems and causes of using PET release film 21-04-16

                About the use of die-cutting PET away type film type film type film span , I often encounter the following problems: 1. After the tape is attached to the release film, some of the tape will be peeled off when it is peeled off, and it will m...

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                Further expansion of world polyester production capacity

                Further expansion of world polyester production capacity 21-04-16

                Based on reality and looking to the future. The company plans to build a 10,000-class dust-free workshop, introduces imported high-end coating production lines, enters the optical coating field, breaks the monopoly of imported products, cre...

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                Dino talks about the structure and performance of thermoplastic polyester

                Dino talks about the structure and performance of thermoplastic polyester 21-04-16

                The company is committed to a professional supplier of coating products, advocating the enterprise spirit of pragmatism, innovation, refinement, and safety, adhering to the business philosophy of everything for customers, everything for cus...

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                The role of release film and substrate

                The role of release film and substrate 21-04-16

                Jiangsu Nuodi New Material Technology Co., Ltd. has a strong technical service team and a dedicated, capable and high-quality production team, and it has close cooperation with universities and scientific research institutes. Through a seri...

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                <b>Basic introduction of release film</b>

                Basic introduction of release film 21-04-16

                Jiangsu Nuodi New Material Technology Co., Ltd. has a strong technical service team and a dedicated, capable and high-quality production team, and it has close cooperation with universities and scientific research institutes. Through a seri...

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