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                Analysis of possible problems and causes of using PET release film

                2021-04-16 14:01:27

                ¡¡     About the use of die-cutting PET awaytype filmtype filmtype film span>, I often encounter the following problems:

                      1. After the tape is attached to the release film, some of the tape will be peeled off when it is peeled off, and it will make a pop and pop sound.

                      2. Anti-peeling, the peeled material is not peeled off.

                      3. The tape and release film cannot be peeled off after being punched and placed for a period of time.

                      4. The surface of the release film is very oily, and the release layer feels easy to fall off.

                      5. The release film generates static electricity during the unwinding and rewinding process and attracts dust.

                      For the above-mentioned problems, there are generally the following reasons:

                      1. Noise occurs during peeling, one is the excessive release force, and the second is the result of uneven coating.

                      2. The anti-peeling is mainly caused by the unsatisfactory combination of release force. There are two reasons. First, the release film’s factory inspection is not strict, the inspection equipment is incomplete, and the production process is not stable enough, making the same type of The product release force differs too much. As a result, the die-cutting factory used the release film with the release force they thought out of the habit of use. Secondly, the weather resistance of the release layer is not enough, and huge changes have taken place over time.

                      3. It cannot be peeled off after being pasted with the tape. Generally, it is the cause of uneven coating. Some release film missed more severely will make a certain part of the release effect, making the tape unable to peel off, round knife The die cutting should be very taboo.

                      4. The greasy release surface is mainly caused by the release agent system. It is not that greasy things must be bad. In fact, the surface of some greasy release films is more uniform and the residual adhesion rate is better. But some are purely because of poor adhesion, and silicone oil is easy to fall off. These can be determined by testing.

                      5. Static electricity problems, in addition to physical treatment methods, chemical treatments are generally permanent. Generally, photoelectric-level die-cutting plants have dust-free workshops, and they also have equipment for removing static electricity. It won't be big. For stricter requirements, you can choose anti-static release film.
