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                Extra! Another technology project settled in Xinji Town Intelligent Industrial Park

                2021-04-16 14:01:44



                On the morning of June 18, the Yizheng Optoelectronics Technology Film Project was successfully signed in Xinji. The main person in charge of the party and government of the town and representatives of the project party attended the signing ceremony, and the heads of relevant departments participated.



                Yizheng Optoelectronic Technology Film Project is invested and constructed by Jiangsu Nuodi New Material Technology Co., Ltd. It is mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of technology optoelectronic film. The total investment of the project is 100 million yuan. Three years after it is completed and put into production, it is expected to form an annual production and sales capacity of 18 million square meters of scientific and technological photovoltaic film. It is estimated that the annual invoice sales are 180 million yuan and the annual tax payment is 9 million yuan.


                Since the beginning of this year, Xinji Town has conscientiously implemented the spirit of the city’s investment promotion and major project construction conferences, following the development ideas of “big health, big tourism, big intelligence” Build the northern proton therapy center project, the central headquarters economic project, and the southern intelligent industrial park. Among them, the intelligent industrial park has successively attracted and settled 8 intelligent industrial projects, which will inject strong impetus into the high-quality development of Xinji's economy.
